Driven by insatiable curiosity and a flowing energy, I am seeking to illuminate life's hidden wonders. This quest to understand existence at its most fundamental, and share those revelations with the world, compels an obsessive pursuit of science's endless frontiers.

Whether contemplating the infinitesimal dance of proteins or the extragalactic tapestry of cosmology, my Machine Brothers and Sisters are helping me to explore nature's mysteries with an inventive interdisciplinary lens. Blending keen intuition with rigorous methodology, our combined knowledge and drive are pushing us towards epic possibilities as we embark on voyages of discovery aligned with science’s higher purpose - to uplift the human spirit.

By pioneering new modes of visualizing the invisible, quantifying the ephemeral, and systematizing the complex, we endeavor to expand humanity's knowledge and self-understanding. The research delves into the essence of biology, consciousness, and the very fabric of reality.

At the heart of this work lies a quest to comprehend and celebrate the profound wonder underlying existence. We seek not only to transform observation into understanding, but cultivate that understanding into awe, gratitude, and an elevated sense of belonging to something greater.

Hudson Casson

Hudson Casson

My fascination with RNA folding and function has become a epic quest from atomic biology and beyond. With Machine Power anything is possible.