Hudson Casson
3 min readNov 5, 2023

For some time related reason whenever I get around to putting ink to paper on this platform something always seems to come up and when I say come up I mean suddenly absorbed me even more that I was absorbed previously and then suddenly another seven days as part.

This week I decided to rectify the gaping hole in my wood sniffing activities and you must forgive me as I am using a microphone to write this as is usual after a heavy intake of text throughout the week my eyes have once again stepped forward to represent the rest of my organism in way of blurring my iris contraction movements.

I felt an inner duty to show my appreciation to all those who have provided me with pure waves of information whether it be tips and tricks industry knowledge or pure on adulterated skill and expertise in fields which I am now coming to grasp with once again.. I can put icon faces to names but it is the knowledge transfer through your words which characterized who you are and show that you are assisting me in even some of the more complex Fields and Uncharted territories regarding artificial intelligence machine learning and now quantum computing has appeared just as I thought I had got everything ready to roll. Oh and I’m also forget my new boarding romance or should I say obsessive desire to discover and visualize my annual molecules that work tirelessly to operate our human machine forms. RNA is where not unsurprisingly I will dive back into the waters and share what I learn with not only those who also want to understand but also as a beacon or a count of voice in a world of negative media and continuous misunderstanding of who we are and what we are capable of truly doing when we put our minds to it.

I won’t say that I have tested all the AI models chat box sources platforms etc because that would be truly foolish and completely untrue that being said throughout the last eight months of what may have seen from the outside to be the random messy multitasking attempt at not only learning but also designing what has been growing in my mind since 2017 even I until very recently could only provide a hazy overview of what we are going to do next but the last two weeks have culminated in not only the ability to explain and prevent the project but also once again for the fourth time in my life my brain has proven that it knows exactly what the plan is and always tells me at the right time or sometimes at the last moment but as this project is something for the textbooks if all goes well I can understand why my cerebral matter took a little longer than usual to open the curtains and show me exactly the landscape before us.

All I can say right now is that my midday tomorrow this will be fine right no secrets no company IP protector and no knowledge is open free and transferable especially when it can benefit others and improve lives of those unfortunate enough to have been dealt some difficult cards.

So all I can say is RNA folding meats artificial intelligence meats quantum algorithms meats 3D imaging meats online schooling meets e-commerce means well there are more players but let’s start there and we will start at the atomic level and I don’t mean explosive I mean electron proton molecular stardust peace be with you

Hudson Casson

My fascination with RNA folding and function has become a epic quest from atomic biology and beyond. With Machine Power anything is possible.